Quick Tip: How to Prevent Curling of Clear Mount Stamps
New to stamping? Here are some tips to keep your rubber clear mount stamps performing beautifully.
Clear mount stamps are a popular option for many crafters.
- Their storage is compact,
- they are cost effective,
- they are easy to use and
- they are versatile!
When your new clear mount Stampin' Up! stamps arrive you'll be keen to get started. Read the instructions on the inside cover of the stamp case. Peel the backing paper off the stamps and apply labels, if desired. One method is outlined in the instructions, so just follow those.
Tip 1: Adhering Labels
Make sure your rubber stamps are perfectly flat when applying the adhesive labels, especially if you apply the label to the rubber (instead of the rubber-to-label method).
Flat on the table is perfect.
A label pulled too tight across the stamp, or a curved stamp in the hand when the label is applied, will result in curling stamps (where the rubber has a curve in it) that won't stick so well to your block.
Flat stamp + Clean block = Better 'stickability'!
Tip 2: Storage
Now that your newly mounted stamps are flat, keep them that way!
In my experience, there are a couple of things you can do to make sure they stay uncurled and in great nick.
The first is to keep them away from excessive heat (such as a hot car or near a window on a summer's day).
The second is to store them in the outer rubber (see above) that they came in. With my first few sets of clear mount stamps I threw this outer part away, thinking it was waste. Wish I hadn't done that! I now keep it inside the case for two reasons:
1. It helps to keep my stamps flat, and
2. It lets me know at a glance if any stamps are missing!
Want more info? Click on the video below for hints and tips about Stampin' Up!'s clear mount stamps.
Wishing you many years of happiness with your new stamps.
To enquire about Stampin' Up! products in Australia or to place an order contact Simone.
Happy stamping,