My First Homemade Cards
When this post is published I’ll be on the other side of the world visiting rellies and friends in the UK! Don’t you just love modern technology?! I’ve set up a few scheduled posts like this one, but will also be on with some ‘live’ posts too.
I recently came across a pile of cards I made just after joining Stampin’ Up! as a demonstrator. For a long time I had very limited supplies and very limited knowledge! But I vividly remember having soooo much fun, and learning more with each card.
This week marks my 2nd anniversary of joining Stampin’ Up! as a demo. What an amazing ride!
I really enjoy what I’m doing, and love the new friendships that I’ve made with team members and my very special customers. It has also become a profitable part-time job, which I certainly never planned on when I joined. My style and tastes have changed, as you can probably tell from these cards *wink* but I still love creating with paper, ink and glue!
In a few weeks many of the Victorian demonstrators will be gathering in Melbourne for our annual regional training day (yes, we stamp together!!). I’m so looking forward to catching up with some of the girls in my team.
If you’ve thought about taking your papercraft hobby to the next level and want to know a little more about becoming a demonstrator and the benefits of joining my team, just send me an email and I’ll get an info pack posted out to you.
Happy stamping,